Hans from hansonsex.com is an online sex & relationship educator. His passion is to help men (typically over 40), who want more out of their sexlife, to be better informed and more confident,so they can lead the lives they desire.
Hans has over 10 years of experience in educating men. He is a certified Big Leap coach from the Hendricks institute and a Certified Tantra Educator from the Source school of Tantra Yoga.
Back in 2017 Hans did the Mankind Project (MKP) weekend, became an MKP elder and he has been “sitting in” two weekly men’s circles ever since.
Hans had his first sexual experience at the young age of 17. A few years later he got married to the same woman and was in a 30+ year relationship with her. At some point in the relationship however, Hans realized that something was wrong; their sex life was getting less exciting which led to the relationship becoming less intimate. This downward spiral turned into a vicious cycle that repeated itself. Hans wanted to get more out of his sexlife and by doing so create a better life for himself. He realized that he (like many people) never got any real education about sex and relationships.
Hans started educating himself in 2003 on sex and relationships and put what he learned into practice. Now with a much better and happier life, Hans’ mission is to start sharing what he learned from his experiences after he realized he wasn’t the only person who had “missed the class on sex education”.
It is Hans’ belief (based on his own experiences) that a good intimate relationship leads to a better sexlife, and that a good sex life leads to a better intimate relationship. A virtuous cycle indeed. It is from this belief that Hans helps men who want more out of their sexlife, so they can lead the lives they desire.