Physical Health
Physical health is very important to me. As such I have done a lot of Google “research” and tried a lot of things related to my physical health. Below I want to list the things that either worked for me or didn’t work for me.
When I try something new then I ALWAYS ease into it. Whenever I try a new food thing I will first try a little of it to see how my body reacts. With a new supplement/vitamin I take a small doses at first and see how my body reacts. With a new exercise routine I take it VERY easy at first and do the exercises for several days or weeks to see how my body reacts. I also don’t expect miracles,a new food, a new routine, a new exercise or a new supplement it all takes time to see the effects (whether good or bad). I am sure that some of the things I do or eat or take have a placebo effect But if it works, it works!
For all the topics listed below I suggest you do your own google “research” (meaning you read more about it on other websites) until you have made up your mind about this topic. Your mind might be made up different than mine and that is fine.
My food and diets
Vitamins and supplements (a list of the ones I take, and why)
Low sodium diets might be bad?
Coffee, maybe yes?
My exercise routines
Tantra inspired exercises
Penis health exercises
Jelqing for size, stamina, and blood flow
My thoughts on medical things
Benign Prostate Enlargement (AKA. why do I have to pee so often)
My conclusion on taking statins to lower cholesterol
Soap and shampoo
Tips on improving sleep